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This serves as our diary for short reviews of each month's activities. Of course it can't compare with being there - but at least you can get a taste. - Florian
10.04.2011– No limits

Another period without sunday school ended this month and with it came the questions of our older students: "What is my path, where do I want to go next." Graduation looms as final exams commence this week. We tried to find answers during this months sunday school. Answers found in solitude and prayer. The younger ones started building with self made cement (from ashes and water. Constructions were tested for their ability to hold up under that cement. Experiments that will be continued throughout our next "classes". Linde was sorely missed.
In 2008 we added forms for our grown ups. The stick dance - developped in Blaubeuren 14 years before - became an integral part of our monthly Sunday morning gatherings.

Miriam and Thomas dancing. |