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Welcome to the Sunray Sunday School website.

Sunday School in Munich has run its course. With the coming of age of our children there are new challenges to help them grow. We are greatful for the times we shared. We will keep the website online to help us remember and to possibly inspire others to follow in our footsteps or to create new paths. Wadoh. Once a month a small band could be seen travelling down to the Isar River in Munich, Germany. It consisted of adolescents, several children and some adults, carrying fire wood and tools to a place near the river barrage. That was us.
We tended fires, built huts and bridges or ovens. Our kids learned to use saws, bushwhackers, pulleys and other useful tools. We performed sacred dances and learned about Native American culture. The river brought driftwood and with it came new ideas what to create from it. The curious could explore the forrest nearby. There were new projects each months. Animals, plants and the land presented themselves in their ever changing forms throughout the year. We shared the food that we prepared over our camp fire. The Sunday School was a school for growing up - everyone at their own pace.
From the river bank you can always have an eye on your young ones, without limiting their explorative and adventurous nature.

"You can never cross the same river twice." A lesson our children learn at an early age - as they grow up seeing a different river each month of the year.